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October 2009 Exam Updates
RESAR on Jul 08 2009 | Filed under: Real Estate Brokers' Exam
Will there still be an October 2009 real estate brokers’ licensure exam in the Philippines? A lot of people have been talking about how PGMA has signed the RESA Bill, and how this effectively transfers jurisdiction over the real estate brokers’ exam from the DTI to the PRC.
But apparently, there has been no official announcement from the DTI…
All we know is that as of today, the requests of service providers for accreditation have not yet been approved by the DTI. Some comprehensive real estate seminar and review organizers have moved the start of their July review classes (in preparation for the October 2009 exam), and are contemplating giving refunds to those who signed up early.
Others are giving it until July 10, 2009 before they decide to just cancel the review classes altogether, while other groups are seeking some kind of meeting with the DTI to get some official statement or guidance on what will happen in the coming weeks.
As for me, I really hope the October 2009 exams will push through. In the meantime, I’ll go look for a copy of the RESA Bill (Real Estate Service Act).
A profound gratitude I extend to this Website. It really benefited me more than anybody could imagine.
By the way, Re R. A. 9646 Sec. 20 Phar A, MAY I ASK ABOUT THOSE WHO PASSED THE MAY 2009 REAL ESTATE BROKERS’ EXAM, ARE THEY ALSO BE REGISTERED WITH OUT TAKING ANOTHER EXAM UNDER PRC??? Since the law provides, “Those who, on the date of the effectivity of this Act, are already licensed a real estate brokers,…. Many passed the exam but did not get a license….
Please advise where can I buy books or other review materials for the exam.
Thanks and more power.
I’ve been looking for schedules of seminar for the October exam. Any news if the exam is officially canceled?
Tina, we’re still waiting for the official announcement from the DTI and the PRC.
A quick read of the RESA Bill shows that for now, graduates of college courses related to real estate can take the real estate brokers’ licensure exam, but as soon as an actual college course for real estate professionals is created, that will be the requirement.
I suppose this is like graduates of a BS degree in Business Administration and Accountancy may take the CPA Board Exams (under the PRC).
I have been texted about the definite cancellation of the October licensure test. Is there a group who’s lobbying for this to push through? What will happen to those who were supposed to take it – will they need to take up real estate classes? Where are the courses conducted?
Thanks for the RESA Bill link, Sheila. I heard awhile ago that the October 4, 2009 Real Estate Brokers’ Licensure Exams have been canceled. I don’t know when the PRC will conduct the next exam, since they are still in transition.
found a copy online of the resa bill:
i just decided to take the exam and I’m wondering if it will push through in october as well.