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PAREB-CEREB Real Estate Exam Review – Oct 15
RESAR on Oct 06 2010 | Filed under: General, Real Estate Review
The PAREB-CEREB offers a Comprehensive Real Estate Seminar and Review (CRESAR) in Cebu starting October 15, 2010. Here are additional details…
It is a 15-day review which runs from 8:00AM to 5:00PM each day. That comes out to 8 hours of review each day, and will cost P1,000 per day.
At 8 hours per day for 15 days, you get 120 hours which is in accordance with the provisions of the RESA Law IRR (RA 9646).
Here’s the schedule of the Cebu CRESAR in 2010:
October 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30
November 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27
The venue will still be finalized, and will depend on the number of aspiring real estate brokers who sign up for the CRESAR.
If you have additional questions, please get in touch with Ms. Emma Bontilao or Ms. Rhoda Maglasang at +63.32 232-3940
Or email them at cerebinfo@yahoo.com
IMPORTANT: Please note that unlike in the past where accredited review service providers would batch your applications for the Exam Permits and file the documents with the DTI on the behalf of the reviewees, the PRC requires you to personally apply for your examination permit. There is a PRC office in Cebu.
hi when is the next real estate licensure exam for 2011? tnx
kindly email me if you have seminars and review here in Iloilo or any part of Panay island.Thank you.
Hi ,
do you have real estate Appraissers review this feb. in cebu?
I would like to know if I can still enroll in the review? Or please do give me an advice where to take the 120 credit units. That will start this month..
Hi ,
do you have real estate consultant review?
Hi Im Leyte just want to inquire if the registration for the next Licensure Exam is still going on and when is the next Seminar be Available my nearest Location will be in Cebu.
The Comprehensive Real Estate Seminar and Review or CRESAR is on-going in Cebu.
Please see the following blog post:
Do you have any idea when are they going to conduct a CRESAR here in Iloilo. We have many aspiring real estate brokers here. I hope you could heed my inquiry. Thanks
I hope you could update me about CRESAR offers here in Iloilo. I am very much interested to take the real estates broker licensure examination. Please help us through.
[…] Previously, you may have read PAREB-CEREB Real Estate Review October 15. […]
[…] is probably why, with the exception of PAREB-CEREB in Cebu who offered a 120-hour CRESAR starting October 15 of this year, the various real estate review service providers in Metro Manila have not yet announced when they […]
Good day, can you send me any review center here at Manila, im from taguig city, i want near in our place, Im very interested to take the exam to be a license broker,i;m a bachelor’s degree holder, may i know also if how much i should prepare, as well as what are the requirement for taking the exam. As of now i have almost 2yrs experience in real estate firm, i hope somebody can answer my question. Happy selling to all!!!!!!!!!
I am also interested to take Cresar, please eamail when they conduct their cresar here in manila. thanks… 🙂
[From the Admin] Hi! We will post CRESAR updates on this site. If you want to receive the updates via email, please join the RESAR Online Review Announcement List. Thanks! 🙂
im a 2year graduate of secretarial. i want to become a real estate broker? can I be?
[From the Admin] This is what we find in Section 14 of the RESA Law IRR (RA 9646):
We’re interpreting “relevant bachelor’s degree” to mean at least a four-year college course. But we’re not lawyers.
May we know what appears in your diploma? Is it Bachelor of Science in Secretarial Administration?
Hi, I hope you can send me an email of the accredited review centers once you have the info. I heard that the brokers licensure exam will be postponed to Aug 2011 and that review would start next year as well. Is there some truth to this?
[From the Admin] Some say Feb, others March, and still others say August. We are still waiting for an official statement from the PRC, though.
hope the seminar here in Manila could be scheduled on a weekend of Sat & Sun
[From the Admin] We’ll post online the schedules. Hopefully, some CRESAR review service providers will hold weekend CRESARs for the benefit of reviewees who have work on weekdays. Thanks!
will there be seminars conducted here in Manila?
Thank you
[From the Admin] Various review service providers are awaiting guidelines from the PRC. These reviewers typically hold CRESARs in Makati or Quezon City. Sometimes, realtors in Manila help organize such Comprehensive Real Estate Seminar and Review sessions for aspiring real estate brokers who are preparing for the PRC licensure exams for real estate brokers.
Thanks for the info. I hope there’s one in Davao City soon.
[From the Admin] We will post the schedule of Davao CRESARs as soon as we get their announcements. Thanks!
Thank you for CRESAR update. Is there any CRESAR sched for Bicol region?
[From the Admin] As soon as we get word about CRESAR offerings in the Bicol region, we will post it online. Thanks!
Great! How about in NCR area, is there any? Thanks!
[From the Admin] Hi Rayanh! The NCR-based accredited review service providers are still getting ready. No news yet on when they will conduct their CRESARs. As soon as we get the info, we will broadcast it via email so you can conveniently get it right away. Thanks!