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PRC, Real Estate Broker Exams, and Frustrated Brokers
RESAR on Mar 29 2011 | Filed under: General, Real Estate Brokers' Exam
The PRC’s March 27, 2011 Real Estate Brokers Licensure exams have left some examinees feeling fearful, angry and exasperated. But that shouldn’t force us to brand ourselves as frustrated brokers.
Remember, words have power.
Now please watch this…
May we always keep in mind that we, each one of us, has the power of choice. We can choose to allow our environment, our circumstances, or exam questions to mold our thoughts and emotions.
Or we can resolve to shape our own attitude in the face of adversity, see ourselves as professional real estate brokers, and take the path of success.
May the following video inspire you and give you both courage and confidence…
Inside the RESAR Online Review, we take you beyond the real estate brokers exam, so that you can fully grow. Afterall, you deserve MORE.
Hoping to hear from you the date of the next Brokers exams and the review center that gives at least 70% of passing results. Thank you.
In the meantime, we would just like to share with you that some people are eyeing an *unofficial* January 2012 target date for the next REB Exam.
As far as review centers go, as long as you attend the CRESAR sessions, read the review materials at least 3 times, participate in the discussions, find the answers to your questions, get enough rest and stay healthy, and comply with the PRC’s pre-exam requirements, you will pass the Real Estate Brokers’ Exam.
Please join the RESAR Online Review Announcement List and as soon as we get hold of the schedules of various CRESAR review service providers, we will email you the info.
Will there be another Real Estate Broker Exam?
I Passed…..Mary Help of Christians …..PRAY FOR US!!!!!
Lets just pray that GOD will do the possibility that all who take the examinations will pass.
i just hope and pray that we will PASS, God is watching us and I know for sure He will grant our prayers.just relax and lets wait for the results..
this is just a mere observation! last sunday’s exam i think is very much in justice…
siguro next time PRC would also consider the age bracket of the examiners! some who took the examination are in thier late 50’s some would not even see the box and even can’t able shade the box properly. Why these old individuals took the exam? maybe because takot makulong or maybe the broker thing is thier means of living. Kawawa naman!
Some of them are in RE practice for more than 20 years na! sana lang yung exam related talaga sa true nature of thier job!!! because these people are actually the potential individual who can contibute a big share of the taxes to our government.
Good morning…
I would like to ask for an inquiry on how to apply and what are the necessary requirements needed by the prc for a salesperson.