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PRC Real Estate Brokers Exam On March 27, 2011
RESAR on Nov 12 2010 | Filed under: General, Real Estate Brokers' Exam
The PRC website shows that the Real Estate Brokers Exam will be conducted on Sunday, the 27th of March 2011…
If you visit the Downloadables Section of the PRC website (prc.gov.ph), you’ll find the Schedule of Licensure Examinations for the Year 2011 (Resolution No. 2010 – 586, Series of 2010).
The PRC Real Estate Brokers Licensure Exams will be held in Manila, Baguio, Cagayan De Oro, Cebu, Iloilo, and Davao.
The deadline for filing applications is March 7, 2011 (Monday). That means accredited review service providers have to issue those who attend the CRESAR their Certificate of Completion before March 7 next year.
What about Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants?
Exam Date: Sunday, 29th of May 2011
Deadline for Filing Applications: Monday, 9th of May 2011
Did you catch that? Looks like the PRC will conduct only one exam for real estate brokers, and only one exam for real estate appraisers and consultants in 2011.
In the past, the DTI held two REB exams a year. Perhaps 2011 is a transition year, and after the PRC gains additional experience they will (hopefully) conduct at least two REB exams a year starting 2012. Well, at least that’s our wish. 🙂
EXCEPT for the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), Nurses Licensure Examination (NLE), and Licensure Examinations for Marine Deck Officers and Marine Engineer Officers, filing of application with all the supporting documents to establish qualification shall be at the Central and Regional Offices NOT LATER than twenty (20) days before the first day of examination.
No changes in schedule may be made without prior approval by the Commission. The Chairman and Members of each Regulatory Board shall see to it that their activities or engagements shall not interfere or be in conflict with their duties in examinations, as scheduled above.
Should the number of examinees be less than fifty (50) in any scheduled examination at regional venues, the same may be cancelled, and official notice shall be made within three (3) days after the deadline. Relative to this, Regional Offices are reminded to always require examinees to sign a waiver form indicating the preferred second choice for the examination venue, until the minimum number is reached, particularly in examinations with few applicants.
This resolution shall take effect upon its approval.
Let copies of this Resolution be furnished the Chairpersons and Members of the Professional Regulatory Boards, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Department of Education (DepEd), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), all schools, colleges and universities, public and private, for their information and dissemination.
Done in the City of Manila this 3rd day of November, 2010.
(orig. signed)
Chairman(orig. signed)
Commissioner(orig. signed)
Hello ma’am/sir, I’m glad I’ve found this website. Do you have any idea how much is the registration cost for the 120 hr seminar? I have worked as property consultants for some firms and planning to get my own license.
hi good day i would like to ask regarding how to get the real estate broker licensing.. i finished my degree in Business Administration major in Management Information System.. and currently i’m employed as a Property Specialist in One of the Largest Developer here in metro manila, though i’m new in this industry… can i possibly be allowed to take an exam for real estate broker licensing? or do i still need to have a degree in real estate? i’m really interested to be a real estate broker. Thanks
Hello, I just want to inquire if you fail to pass the exam can we appeal to PRC ? just a peace of mind can we see our answer sheet
and result of our exam?
There’s no guarantee that they will grant your request, but you’ll never know unless you try.
Good luck…
hi, im a geodetic engineer by profession for 20 years a geodetic engineering teacher for 16 years teaching property laws, subdivision rules and regulation laws and other property related laws. Since then also, I’ve been involved in real estate transactions from negotiations up to titling process. Am I still required to finish the 120 hours seminar as required by RESA? THANKS AND MORE POWER
Hi Admin,
Do you have a copy of those qualified applicants for the REB exam on March 27, 2011 including the school & room assignments respectively?
I’ve heard that PRC will post it outside their office/bldg. and also in their website but until now I haven’t seen it yet.
It’s vital, because if someone who applied and doesn’t appear on that list, he/she can go immediately to PRC for follow-up of what’s lacking or what’s the reason behind the rejection of his/her application for REB exam.
Your reply is highly appreciated. Thank you!
How much is the application for the real estate examination, for the information of our applicants in Batangas City. Thanky you for the info.
There are some applicants for examination whose NBI clearance will be delayed for release, will the receipt be honored and the clearance to be given before the examination?
You can try writing something along the lines of: “Our NBI Clearance is being processed and should be ready by March 15, 2011. Please accept our Exam Permit Application conditionally. We will present the final NBI Clearance by March 15.”
an applicant for the licensing examination took up a 5 years course,and have finished the 4 years, is she qualified to take the exam bearing her transcript of record with complete four years credit?(this is just a clarification of the first question.)
can a person who took up a 4 year college without finishing the 5th year course qualified to take the exam with the transcript of 4 years college transcript.
Based on the RESA Law IRR (RA 9646), you will need to be a holder of a college degree before you may take the real estate brokers’ exam.
Is it true there will be another schedule for Brokers Licensure Exam on November 2011?
is an accounting and law graduate STILL required to earn the 120 units of real estate subjects or its alternative, as interpreted by others, to attend RESA seminar or will the two (2) courses suffices to dispense the 120 units and RESA seminar in order to qualify to take the exam?
hi again my sister wants to take the exam but she will graduate this march…..can she take the exam?
Is it mandatory to attend a formal review in order to qualify to take the REB Exam? Thanks and regards
Some people say you can get by with a 60-hour Comprehensive Real Estate Seminar and Review (CRESAR) plus 60 hours of OJT. Others say you can qualify is you attend a 120-hour CRESAR.
hi! does this 120 hrs. of training/seminar a requirement in taking the real estate appraisers exam this May?
Does the requirements for applying the Real Estate Brokers Exam are the same with the Real Estate Appraisers Exam? As I read read for the requirement for the Brokers exam, I’m not qualified. But how about for the Appraisers Exam? Can I take the exam? What will be the requirements? Thank you. And sorry for my Kakulitan. =)
That was for the Brokers Exam. How about for the Appraisers Exam?
What about Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants?
Exam Date: Sunday, 29th of May 2011
Deadline for Filing Applications: Monday, 9th of May 2011
Good Day! Im an Assessment Clerk, can I take the exam for Real Estate Appraisers? And if I can, what will be the requirements for me to apply the said exam? Thank you and more power!
thank you sa information.. more power^^