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PRC Table of Specifications (TOS) – Board of Licensure Examination for Real Estate Brokers (BLEREB)
RESAR on Mar 14 2011 | Filed under: General, Real Estate Brokers' Exam
If you’re preparing for the real estate brokers exam on March 27, 2011 then here are the Tables of Specifications of the PRC.
Let’s try to understand some things about the TOS first…
Levels of Difficulty
Easy = K and C
Moderate = Ap
Difficult = An, S, and E
It would’ve have been great if these were released much earlier, so that review service providers could tailor a more effective review program. But anyway…
Here’s what those letters mean:
- Knowledge – You will be asked to Recognize or Recall information or ideas. Some of the things you will do are: Write, List, Label, Name, State, Define.
- Comprehension – You will be asked to Translate, Comprehend, or Interpret information that you have acquired in the past. Some of the things you will do are: Explain, Summarize, Paraphrase, Describe, Illustrate.
- Application – You will be asked to Select, Transfer, and Use data and principles to complete a problem or task. Some of the things you will do are: Use, Compute, Solve, Demonstrate, Apply, Construct.
- Analysis – You will be asked to Distinguish, Classify, and Relate the assumptions, hypotheses, evidence, or structure of a statement or question. Some of the things you will do are: Analyze, Categorize, Compare, Contrast, Separate.
- Synthesis – You will be asked to Originate, Integrate, and Combine ideas into a product, plan or proposal that is new to you. Some of the things you will do are: Create, Design, Hypothesize, Invent, Develop.
- Evaluation – You will be asked to Appraise, Assess, or Critique on a basis of specific standards and criteria. Some of the things you will do are: Judge, Recommend, Critique, Justify.
The above is based on Bloom et al.’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain
Relax… Based on the PRC’s Table of Specifications (TOS), the items are classified under Knowledge (K), Comprehension (C), Application (Ap), and Analysis (An).
Table of Specifications in General / Fundamentals of Real Estate Service
(Weight = 25% / No. of Items = 100)
There are 25 questions (K=5, C=5, Ap=10, An=5) for each of the topics below, or a weight of 6.25% of the entire 400-question exam:
- Fundamentals of Property Ownership – Name, Describe, Apply, and Analyze
- Code of Ethics and Responsibilities of Real Estate Practitioners – Recall, Explain, Practice, and Categorize
- Legal Requirements for Real Estate Service – State, Translate/Discuss, Interpret and Examine
- Real Estate Laws and Taxation – List, Identify, Use, Classify
Table of Specifications in Special and Technical Knowledge
(Weight = 25% / No. of Items = 100)
There are 25 questions (K=5, C=5, Ap=10, An=5) for each of the topics below, or a weight of 6.25% of the entire 400-question exam:
- Subdivision Development – Recall, Estimate, Illustrate, Outline/Design Special and Technical Knowledge
- Condominium Concepts and other types of Real Estate Holdings – State, Describe, Prepare, Differentiate
- Legal Aspect of Sales, Mortgage and Lease – List, Explain, Illustrate, Analyze
- Documentation and Registration of Transaction – Record, Translate / Locate, Schedule / Prepare, Examine
Table of Specifications in Professional Practice
(Weight = 50% / No. of Items = 200)
There are 33 questions (K=7, C=7, Ap=14, An=5) for each of the topics below, or a weight of 8% of the entire 400-question exam:
- Real Estate Brokerage Practice – Name, Discuss, Apply, Appraise
- Real Estate Finance and Economics – Recall, Describe, Compute / Illustrate, Calculate
- Urban and Land Use – State, Discuss, Illustrate, Differentiate
- Planning, Development, and Zoning of Properties – Recognize, Locate, Identify, Prepare, Examine
- Basic Principles of Ecology – State, Translate, Interpret, Analyze
- Basic Appraisal for Real Estate Brokers – Recall, Explain, Use, Analyze
Yes, when we multiplied those 33 items by the six topics, we only got 198 points. Will the missing two points be some kind of bonus? Your guess is as good as ours.
In the past, Real Estate Brokers Exams were composed usually of 100 multiple choice questions.
With the release of these Tables of Specifications by the PRC, don’t be surprised if some questions might be fill-in-the-blanks type of questions.
Please note that we don’t know what the exam questions will look like. We’re just making an educated guess based on words such as “Name” or “Describe” or even “Illustrate”, so please review your notes very well.
And for those of you looking for the Whereas, Therefore, here it is:
Real Estate Service Brokers’ Licensure Board Exam
on Sunday, 27 March 2011 in
Manila, Baguio, Cagayan De Oro, Iloilo, Cebu, and Davao Cities
WHEREAS, the Syllabi of Subjects in the Board Licensure Examination for real Estate
Brokers (BLEREB) are integral parts of Sec. 13 (c) Rule III, Board Resolutions No. 02, Series 2010, known as the “IRR of RA 9646”;WHEREAS, the adoption of the tables of specifications (TOS) will appropriately incorporate the competencies covering the topics under the BLEREB subjects and the percentage weights thereof;
WHEREAS, the list of competencies includes in a generic manner those needed by the profession, academe, and industry; and,
WHEREAS, the TOS were reclustered by the Professional Regulatory Board, the Board, with the assistance of PRC Consultants for Test Construction Development;
NOW, THEREFORE, the BOARD hereby resolves, as it is hereby RESOLVED, to adopt and promulgate the “Table of Specifications (TOS) for the Subjects in the Board Licensure Examination for Real Estate Broker”, an integral part of, and “Annex A” to, the herein Board Resolution.
RESOLVED, FURTHER, this Resolution with “Annex A” hereof shall be used in the coming Board Licensure Examination of Real Estate Brokers (BLEREB) and subsequent schedules.
RESOLVED, FURTHERMORE, this Resolution shall take effect after its full and complete publication in the Official Gazette or in any major daily newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines.
RESOLVED, FINALLY, copy hereof shall be furnished to the UP Law of Center, and the concerned Central and Regional Offices.
Done in the City of Manila, this 7th Day of March 2011.
Chairman(Sgd.) BANSAN C. CHOA
Secretary, Professional Regulatory BoardsAPPROVED:
Chairperson(Sgd.) ALFREDO Y. PO
Commissioner(Sgd.) JENNIFER J. MANALILI
Good luck with the Real Estate Brokers’ Exam everyone! 🙂
According to PRC, room assignment will be posted on their website but until now, 3 days to go before the exam, there is none for Real Estate Broker Exam.
So it’s not going to be just multiple choice?
A multiple choice type of exam is one of the easiest and fastest to correct, because examinees simply shade the box or circle of their answer, and an OCR or computer system can quickly check your answers.
(And the results have to be released 10 days after the date of the actual exam, right?)
For questions that may be possibly worded as: “Name the…” or “List the…”, we don’t know if this will be fill-in-the-blanks type of questions.
Such types of questions, however, can still be presented as a multiple-choice kind of question. For example, a list type of question shown as multiple-choice can look like this:
The following are examples of unethical practices among real estate practitioners except…
The above question still tests the ability of the examinee to “list” examples, although it tests people at the easier level of “Recognition” rather than on the more challenging level of “Recall.”
A more challenging “list” type of question would be: “List below five examples of unethical practices among real estate practitioners.”
Again, we don’t know for sure what will appear in the first ever PRC organized real estate brokers exam. We’re guessing it will be all multiple choice. Still, it’s better to be prepared.