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Real Estate Broker Education Requirement
RESAR on Jun 11 2010 | Filed under: Real Estate Brokers' Exam
Someone asks: What is the level of education needed to become a licensed real estate broker?
Let’s turn to subsection 2 of Section 14 of the RESA Law IRR (consultative draft):
SECTION 14. Qualification of Applicants for Examinations. In order to be admitted to the licensure examination for real estate service, a candidate at the time of filing his/her application, shall establish to the satisfaction of the Board that he/she possesses the following qualifications:
- 1. A citizen of the Philippines;
- A holder of a relevant bachelor’s degree from a state university or college, or other educational institution duly recognized by the CHED: Provided, that as soon as a course leading to a Bachelor’s degree in Real Estate Service is implemented by the CHED, the Board shall make this course a requirement for taking the licensure examination….
We’ve heard reports that the curriculum for the a B.S. Real Estate Service course is being prepared. The earliest time this course will be offered will be in June 2011.
Assuming it will be a four-year course, then the first batch of B.S. RES graduates will emerge in March 2015.
Assuming further that B.S. RES will have around 18 units of real estate specific courses, I wonder if people aiming for the Real Estate Brokers’ Licensure Examinations of 2015, and who are graduates of other courses (i.e., B.S. Business Administration, B.S. Geodetic Engineering, B.S. Economics) can simply take the 18 units of real estate service, instead of having to take the 4-year B.S. RES course.
Afterall, there may be common subjects (General Education).
what are the requirements & qualification to take the real estate broker exam on December 2011
Anyway, you’ll find the requirements at the following page:
I am a 3rd year undergraduate in civil engineering but have been working for more than 20 years in the government particularly the Land Management Services of DENR.
Am I qualified to take a real estate broker exam?
hi, meron ba na hindi online ang review? kindly email me the details on how to take the real estate brokers exam and the requirements. thanks
For the REB Exam requirements, please see the following:
may i know if it’s possible someone like me whose Nursing graduate would be eligible in taking the real estate broker exam? I need professional advice..thank u..
Will prc allow if 4yrs sales agent with license to take brokers exam but under graduate in collage?
i want to know if undergrad of bsc marketing can take Broker’s licensure exam?
May I know, who should give CPE? Do they have to get accreditation from PRC in order to give CPE? Thanks!
[From the Admin] According to CES Real Estate Academy, they are accredited to provide CPE.
admin my i ask if you have a set date seminar for the preparation of licensure exam this coming december?
[From the Admin] We haven’t received any definite schedules yet from accredited review service providers, but we will post the info as soon as we get word. Most likely, the announcements will be made around late August to early September 2010.
where can we enroll for the 18 units B.S. RES?
[From the Admin] We are waiting for the PRC to issue formal guidelines regarding this. Once we get the info, we will post it online right away. There is no BS RES course, yet.
Is there a review course or center for real estate brokers in preparation for the December 2010 exam in case it pushes thru?
[From the Admin] We’ve spoken with one DTI-accredited review service provider, and they are still waiting for the guidelines from the PRC so that they may apply and become PRC-accredited.
We anticipate that once these established review service providers get PRC-accredited, they will be able to easily organize 6-day or even 4-day review sessions in preparation for the real estate brokers’ licensure examination.
I am a graduate from the Seminary with the degree in THEOLOGY. Am I qualified to take the review and the succeeding board exams?
[From the Admin] This is what we find in Section 14(c) of the Draft IRR of the RESA Law: “A holder of a relevant bachelor’s degree from a state university or college, or other educational institution duly recognized by the CHED” — If your degree was earned from an institution duly recognized by the CHED, then you should be qualified. Did your course in Theology have units for Math and Algebra?
Do I qualify for the education requirements in taking the brokers licensure exam? I am a Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in accounting graduate. thank you. more power.
[From the Admin] We don’t speak for the PRC, but from what we know about Accounting graduates, you have more than sufficient background. You’ve been exposed to Mathematics of Finance and Business Law, for example.
Please take note, however, that we have not yet seen any official statement from the PRC regarding the rumored December 2010 real estate brokers’ licensure exams.
Do i qualify to take the real estate broker examination this coming December? i’m a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Banking and Finance and Pass the Professional Board Examination for Teachers and i have so many trainings in Computer Database sponsored by the UNICEF and Statistics for almost 15 years in the government…
[From the Admin] From our interpretation of the draft IRR of the RESA Law, your course is a relevant to real estate. Please take note, however, we have not yet seen any formal announcement yet by the PRC regarding a December 2010 real estate broker’s licensure examination. We’ve been hearing about such an exam, but have not yet seen nor read the official announcement.
Can a B.S. Biology graduate just take the 18 units real estate specific courses only?
[From the Admin] We haven’t heard any clarification yet from the PRC regarding that issue. In the meantime, please try applying for the Dec 2010 exams, because the BS Real Estate Service course curriculum is not yet available.