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Real Estate Brokers’ Exam and the RESA Bill
RESAR on Jul 15 2009 | Filed under: Real Estate Brokers' Exam
We’re still waiting for official announcements from the DTI and the PRC now that reports have been going around about the RESA Bill being signed into law.
Here is a section of the RESA Bill, based on documents found online:
SEC. 14. Qualification of Applicant for Examinations. – In order to be admitted to the licensure examination for real estate service, a candidate shall, at the time of filing his/her application, establish to the satisfaction of the Board that he/she possesses the following qualifications:
A. A citizen of the Philippines;
B. A holder of a relevant bachelor’s degree from a State university or college, or other educational institution duly recognized by the CHED; Provided, that as soon as a course leading to a Bachelor’s degree in Real Estate Service is implemented by the CHED, the Board shall make this course a requirement for taking the licensure examination;
C. Of good moral character, and must not have been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude; Provided, that an applicant for the licensure examination for real estate consultants must show proof that he/she has at least ten (10) years experience as a licensed real estate broker or an assessor, or as a bank or institutional appraiser or an employed person performing real property valuation, or at least five (5) years experience as a licensed real estate appraiser.
All applications for examination shall be filed with the Board which shall assess and approve said applications and issue to the qualified examinees the corresponding permits to take such examination.
I wonder how long it will take for a curriculum for BS Real Estate Service to be developed. Also, what exactly are relevant courses?
hello i just want o inquire about creasat how much the fee and how long it take the training
For the 120-hour CREASAT, please budget around P18,000 to P22,000.
paki gawa namang confidential ang names ng nag comment.pls.
Please let us know via this page:
Salamat po.
I am a graduate of AB Social Science and presently enrolled in the Master of Public Administration obtained 27 units, am i qualified to take the resa exam?
[From the Admin] Since there is no BS Real Estate Service course yet, your course qualifies you. Please note, however, that there are other requirements.
Please see the PRC Real Estate Brokers’ Licensure Exam Requirements (Section 14, RESA Law IRR, RA 9646).
You will need to attend a Comprehensive Real Estate Seminar and Review (CRESAR) conducted by accredited review service providers, and earn “120 credit units of real estate subjects and training.”
Hi! good morning. Happy fathers’ day. May i ask if there will be a public consultations of RESA Law IRR to be conducted in the provinces or key cities.
[From the Admin] There was one recently held in Manila (early June 2010). We will post the sked of future public consultations as soon as we get the info. Thanks!
so what are the qualifications for the real estate broker’s exam? because as far as i understand it, section 14C only refers to qualification for the licensure examination for real estate consultants.
[From the Admin] Please refer to the consultative draft:
i am former branch manager in a rural bank, and a BS Agriculyure graduate. I was employed in the bank for almost 12 years. am i qualified.
[From the Admin] Please refer to the draft at
i finished AB Economics..can i apply and take the real estate licensure examination?
i am a business admin graduate can i take licensure eam for real state?
Is there reciprocity if you are a broker in California?
Pls let me know.
[From the Admin] Please refer to
There are some additional qualifications (as listed in the RESA bill). For example, you need to be a Filipino citizen, and you need to have graduated from a real estate-related course in college.
I haven’t found examples of “related” courses, though.
Appraisal experience? This isn’t needed yet, if you’re planning to take the real estate brokers’ licensure exam.
what if we haven’t experience being into real estate appraising or assessing, would that mean that we are not qualified?
are the qualifications the same those you have posted before?