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Real Estate Online Review and Forgotten Passwords
RESAR on Oct 07 2010 | Filed under: General
Are you part of the RESAR Online Review, a web-based membership site? Here’s what to do if ever you forget your password…
In the RESAR Online Review Login Page, you’ll find a link in the right column which says: “Lost Your Password?”
Step #1: Click on that link and you will see a WordPress box that asks for your username or email address.
Step #2: Please type in your email address (the one you used when you joined the RESAR Online Review Announcement List), then click on the “Get New Password” button.
An email will be sent to you, asking if you really want a new password.
Inside that email is a link which you must click to confirm that you want a new password.
Step #3: Click on that Confirmation Link.
After you do that, another email will be sent to you containing your new password. You can then copy/paste that weird-looking password into the Login box of the RESAR Online Review.
And that’s how you can easily and quickly log into the RESAR Online Review.
NOTE: If you’re using a whitelisting service such as BoxBe, please whitelist info@realestateseminarandreview.com to ensure that you receive important emails (such as the Password Recovery email). Thanks!