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RESA and CPE – August 2010

Cesar E. Santos Real Estate Academy, Inc. will be conducting 24 units Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Seminar on August 6, 7 & 8 , 2010 (9am-6pm) at Unit 2114 Cityland 10 Condominium Tower 1 H.V. Dela Costa St., Makati City. Seminar fee is P3,500.00 inclusive of foods and handouts.

And here is the list of unofficial requirements as per Sec. 20 (Registration Without Examination) of IRR draft…

(Original & Photocopy)
1. NSO Birth Certificate
2. NSO Marriage Contract (for women)
3. DTI Certificate of Registration
5. NBI Clearance
6. CPE certificate
7. DTI rating/grade for those who passed but failed to obtain their license
8. 4 passport size photo white background with nametag
9. Cedula

10. Civil Service Certificate/BLGF Certificate (for Assessors and Government Appraisers)

CPE requirements for expired licenses:
– 12 CPE hours for expired licenses
– 15 CPE hours for 2009 expired licenses
– 15 CPE hours for 2006 below expired licenses
– 24 CPE hours for Assessors/Government Appraisers

CPE requirements for those who have not obtained their licenses

– 15 CPE hours for 2009
– 16 CPE hours for 2008
– 18 CPE hours for 2007

For details and registration, please call the contact no. below.

Mary Grace C. Eslana
Cesson Appraisal Corporation
Cesar E. Santos Real Estate Academy, Inc.
Real Estate Broker – REBL #19023
No. 10 T. Bugallon Street
Marikina Heights, Marikina City

Alternatively, please see Real Estate CPE Online

RESAR Online Review for Real Estate Brokers

41 Responses to “RESA and CPE – August 2010”

  1. on 28 Oct 2011 at 4:21 pm Arrow's Mom

    Hi, my husband has years of experience at the planning office and is now interested to apply in our LGU’s Asst. Assessor position. He has numerous seminars related to land valuation and housing regulations but has no actual work experience at the Assessor’s office. Will he qualify? What seminars does he need or does he need to pass the broker’s exam before he can apply for said position?

    thank you for your info. More power.

    [From the Admin] Hello! Your husband does not need to be a broker first. But he will need to show proof that he earned 120 units in real estate subjects. He also needs to provide the PRC proof that he is a college graduate. As soon as we hear from people who are organizing review classes for those preparing for the Real Estate Appraisers Exam, we will post the info online. Thanks!
  2. on 24 Apr 2011 at 3:33 pm ENGR. NORMAN R. MONDAY

    I applied to BLGF Central Office Manila, thru the recommendation of BLGF region XI, Davao City.

    [From the Admin] Hi! Kindly get in touch with the BLGF Central Office for the status of your application. Thanks!
  3. on 23 Apr 2011 at 9:54 pm ENGR. NORMAN R. MONDAY

    Hi! i wan’t to know the result of my applications for RESA RA 9646. On april 05, 2011.

    [From the Admin] Hello! May we know where you applied? Thanks!
  4. on 14 Apr 2011 at 7:21 pm Engr raul


    I just ask if you have online CPE seminar? If there is just let me know. Thanks ahead.


    [From the Admin] Hello! We don’t offer online CPE Seminars. If ever we hear of people who are offering online CPE seminars, we will post the info online. Thanks!
  5. on 14 Apr 2011 at 2:58 am engr raul


    I want to know if I can still register at PRC without taking examination of real estate broker in my following situation;

    1. I passed the examination of REB last May 2004 under DTI
    2. I took my REB-1144 licensed last 2005 and failed to renew at 2008
    3. I completed and earned certificate of 15 units for CPE/CEP from NREA held at Cebu last february 2009 but failed to renew REB licensed because during the time I tried to renew by July 2009 in DTI was unsuccessful due to amendment from DTI to PRC registration on process. Then untill such time I worked abroad until now working as civil engineer but now i found at the site at PRC about RESA Law & IRR no. 9646 I plan to go vacation by this coming June 2011 hope I could avail the REB registration at PRC without examination. Hope also that I can avail CPE/CEP by June 2011. Please I need your help and secondly give me an advice. Thanks and God bless you…

    [From the Admin] Hello! Based on the RESA Law IRR (RA 9646), you can be registered with the PRC without examination. You will need to earn 24 CPE/CEP credit units.

    If you have an original and duly notarized CPE/CEP certification of your February 2009 CPE (15 units), then you just need an additional 9 units to complete the 24 CPE/CEP credit unit requirement (PRC registration without examination).

    We heard that the Cesar Santos Real Estate Academy is offering CPE Seminars. Tentative dates are in late May 2011 and late June 2011.

    To get Real Estate CPE updates, please join the Real Estate CPE Announcement List over at


  6. on 09 Apr 2011 at 7:53 pm aloha

    good pm, may i know what review service providers are accepted by the PRC. thanks

    [From the Admin] We haven’t seen any formal list released by the PRC, but in the past, it looks like the PRC accepted the Certificate of Completion of those who reviewed at the Cesar Santos Real Estate Academy, the Urban Institute (Engr. Enrico Cruz), and CRESARs organized by the PAREB and REBAP, to name a few.


  7. on 08 Mar 2011 at 4:49 pm maffi

    hi to u there!… i was appointed as LAOO II since Jan. 2001. I dont any seminar and trainings taken. I am going to take the 120 hours appraisers trng on March 11, 2011, is this separate from the 24 units requires in the RESA law? Do I still need to complete the 24 CPE units after having the 120 hours appraisers seminar review?. Do I qualify to apply for the licensure WITHOUT EXAMINATION? What if I am going to take the exam, do I need to complete the 120 and 24 CPE units?

    Please answer me.. I nid ur help…

    [From the Admin] Based on Section 20 of the RESA Law IRR (RA 9646), you will need those 120 hours of accredited training on real real property appraisal conducted by national or international appraisal organizations or institutions/entities duly certified by the Department of Finance (DOF) or other pertinent national government agencies or Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCC) as the case may be, recognized by the Board and relevant CPE to the satisfaction of the Board.

    So that’s 120 hours of training + 24 CPE units.

    If you’re going to take the real estate appraisers exam of the PRC, you only need the 120 units in real estate subjects. Just be sure, however, that the PRC will recognize the certification that your review service provider will issue to you.


  8. on 05 Mar 2011 at 6:01 pm Jinkie

    Hi! Would you know of any upcoming CPE? I need to apply for my PRC license and i need 15 units CPE (my license will expire come December). Thank you so much.

    [From the Admin] Hello! Please sign up for email updates regarding announcements of upcoming Real Estate CPE seminars over at:


  9. on 26 Feb 2011 at 4:32 pm Mr. Vine Tea

    My license as Real Estate Appraiser and Broker will expire on December 2011 under DTI. Presently I am doing Appraisal job at Phil. National Bank and a practicing Broker at a Private Subdivision and a private bank, do I need to beat the deadline of July 2011 to apply for my license with PRC without taking examination for both categories, provided I earn 15 CEP for both.

    Please advise.

    [From the Admin] Based on the RESA Law IRR (RA 9646), you will need 15 CPE/CEP units (for Real Estate Broker), and 15 CPE/CEP units (for Real Estate Appraiser).

    Yes, you need to beat the July 30, 2011 deadline. Otherwise, you will need to take the Board licensure examination for real estate practitioners.

    To be on the safe side, earn 15 CPE units for each category (Broker, Appraiser). In other words, please secure a total of two (2) CPE Certifications.


  10. on 15 Feb 2011 at 5:16 pm Jessica

    I am working at the Municipal Assessor’s Office for 10 years. Recently, the Bureau of Local Government Finance had issued a certificate of 120 training hours. The only lacking requirement that i have in order for me to have a license without examination is the duly notarized continuing professional education certificate. According to Mr. Dino, our facilitator during the Philippine Valuation Standard Seminar held at Cebu City last November 2010 that the seminar would also earned a CPE units. My question is: Is your could issue such certificate if i could present to you my certificate of attendance? I hope that you can enlighten me regarding this matter. Thank you

    [From the Admin] We’re not sure if the same seminar can be used to issue two different types of Certificates. Most likely, not.

    If you need 120 hours of training, plus X number of CPE units, and you produce two Certificates, those Certificates should have been earned via different seminars.

    For example, if you attend a 24-hour CPE seminar, you shouldn’t get one certificate showing you earned 24 CPE units, and another certificate showing you earned 24 hours of real estate training.

    But that’s just our opinion.

    We suggest that you get in touch directly with the PRC to find out if they will accept or honor your Certificates of Attendance/Completion.


  11. on 02 Feb 2011 at 8:17 pm VIDO YU

    Thanks so much for the reply on my inquiries, more power to your website

    [From the Admin] You’re welcome po. 🙂
  12. on 01 Feb 2011 at 7:59 pm vido f. yu

    Sir this is a followup inquiry, yes i am holding a permanent appointment presently as Local Assessment Operations Officer II, and schedule to be promoted as Assistant City Assessor this coming July 2011, my followup inquiry is can i still be promoted to that position even iam not a licensed real property appraiser because under section 30 of the resa law, in order to be qualifies to be appointed as Assistant City Assessor you be a licensed appraiser, or there is still a grace period of 3 years before this additional qualification to be fully implemented, thank you,

    [From the Admin] Hi! We are not lawyers, but here’s our interpretation of the RESA Law IRR:

    There is no 3-year grace period for those who wish to be promoted.

    The 3 years mentioned in Section 30 of the RESA Law IRR (RA 9646) simply gives a time period for the filling up of positions primarily requiring the services of any real estate service practitioner, and that these shall be filled only by registered and licensed real estate service practitioners.

    What if you’re not a licensed real estate service practitioner? You may continue holding on to your position, because the RESA Law IRR will not reduce any benefits.

    However, if you want to be promoted to a higher position, then you will need to comply with the requirements. And there’s no 3-year grace period as far as promotion is concerned.

    In our opinion, based on Section 30 of the RESA Law IRR, you need to be a licensed real estate practitioner first. Again, to emphasize, we are not lawyers. Please consult with your legal department.

    By the way, the PRC will conduct an Exam for Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants:

    Exam Date: Sunday, 29th of May 2011
    Deadline for Filing Applications: Monday, 9th of May 2011


  13. on 22 Jan 2011 at 10:35 am MR. DATOY

    I am a taxmapper in the office of the provincial assessor for 20 years and an RPAO passer. Am I qualified to register as an appraiser without examination? thank u…

    [From the Admin] Let’s look at Section 20 of the RESA Law IRR (RA 9646):

    (b) Assessors and appraisers who, on the date of the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646 or as of 30 July 2009, hold permanent appointments and are performing actual appraisal and assessment functions for the last five (5) years, have passed the Real Property Assessing Officer (RPAO) examination conducted and administered by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) in coordination with the Department of Finance (DOF), and have undertaken relevant CPE to the satisfaction of the Board; and

    (c) Assessors and appraisers who, on the date of the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646 or as of 30 July 2009, hold permanent appointments and have at least ten (10) years actual experience in real property appraisal or assessment and have completed at least one hundred twenty (120) hours of accredited training on real property appraisal conducted by national or international appraisal organizations or institutions/entities duly certified by the Department of Finance (DOF) or other pertinent national government agencies or Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCC) as the case may be, recognized by the Board and relevant CPE to the satisfaction of the Board.

    Those falling under categories (b) and (c) shall register with the Board after they shall have complied with the requirements for registration as real estate appraisers, and have completed twenty four (24) CPE credit units. Provided, That those seeking to be licensed to a new credential level shall be required to take the pertinent Board licensure examination for real estate practitioners.

    The questions that come to mind are:

    1) Is a Taxmapper an Assessor or an Appraiser?
    2) Are you holding a permanent position?
    3) Do you have certificates showing your attending in CPE seminars?
    4) Have you complete 24 CPE credit units?


  14. on 16 Jan 2011 at 8:46 pm vido yu

    Im presently working at city assessor office, isabela city, im eyeing for promotion for a higher position, my inquiry is regarding sec 30 of the newly implemented resa law, can i qualified now even im am not a licensed appraiser because under sec. 30 there is still a 3 years grace period,

    [From the Admin] Let’s look at Section 30 of the RESA Law IRR (RA 9646):

    Section 30. Positions in Government Requiring the Services of Registered and Licensed Real Estate Service Practitioners. Within three (3) years from the effectivity of RA No. 9646, all existing and new positions in the national and local governments, whether career, permanent, temporary or contractual, primarily requiring the services of any real estate service practitioner, shall be filled only by registered and licensed real estate service practitioners.

    All incumbent assessors holding permanent appointments shall continue to perform their functions without need for re-appointment and without diminution of status, rank and salary grade, and shall enjoy security of tenure. However, they may not be promoted to a higher position until they meet the qualification requirements of that higher position as herein prescribed. Nothing in R.A. No. 9646 and the IRR shall be construed to reduce any benefit, interest, or right enjoyed by the incumbents at the time of the enactment of R.A. No. 9646. The appointing authority shall exercise his power to appoint the assessor in accordance with the provisions of this R.A. No. 9646 and the IRR only when a vacancy occurs.

    Please take note of the following: All incumbent assessors holding permanent appointments shall continue to perform their functions without need for re-appointment and without diminution of status, rank and salary grade, and shall enjoy security of tenure. However, they may not be promoted to a higher position until they meet the qualification requirements of that higher position as herein prescribed.

    The question is: Are you holding a permanent appointment?

    Also, if you wait three years (or 2013), you may need to pass the exam of the PRC. By that time, one of the requirements might be that you graduate from a college course on Real Estate Service or Real Estate Management.

  15. on 15 Jan 2011 at 6:18 pm ENGR. LUIS

    As MUNICIPAL ASSESSOR for more than 10 years and RPAO passer and have so many trainings and seminars ..

    How will we determine that it is CPE Units??…As far as i know being also a Civil Engineer, CPE Units are required during renewal of license??.. thanks again ….

    [From the Admin] You will need to secure a notarized Certificate of Completion stating that the training has earned you X number of CPE/CEP units. The person or group giving you the CPE/CEP credits must be someone recognized by the PRC.


  16. on 12 Jan 2011 at 8:50 pm ENGR. LUIS

    I am an RPAO Passer and with more than 10yrs experience as MUNICIPAL ASSESSOR i need CPE 24 units in applying without examination????

    [From the Admin] Hello! Let’s take a look at sub-sections (b) and (c) of Section 20 of the RESA Law IRR (RA 9646):

    (b) Assessors and appraisers who, on the date of the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646 or as of 30 July 2009, hold permanent appointments and are performing actual appraisal and assessment functions for the last five (5) years, have passed the Real Property Assessing Officer (RPAO) examination conducted and administered by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) in coordination with the Department of Finance (DOF), and have undertaken relevant CPE to the satisfaction of the Board; and

    (c) Assessors and appraisers who, on the date of the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646 or as of 30 July 2009, hold permanent appointments and have at least ten (10) years actual experience in real property appraisal or assessment and have completed at least one hundred twenty (120) hours of accredited training on real property appraisal conducted by national or international appraisal organizations or institutions/entities duly certified by the Department of Finance (DOF) or other pertinent national government agencies or Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCC) as the case may be, recognized by the Board and relevant CPE to the satisfaction of the Board.

    Those falling under categories (b) and (c) shall register with the Board after they shall have complied with the requirements for registration as real estate appraisers, and have completed twenty four (24) CPE credit units. Provided, That those seeking to be licensed to a new credential level shall be required to take the pertinent Board licensure examination for real estate practitioners.

    Those so exempt under the aforementioned categories shall file their application within two (2) years from the effectivity of Republic Act No. 9646 or until 30 July 2011, Provided, That the renewal of the professional identification card is subject to the provisions of Section 17, Art. III of R.A. No. 9646.

    Based on the above, the requirements are:

    1) Completion of at least one hundred twenty (120) hours of accredited training on real property appraisal conducted by national or international appraisal organizations or institutions/entities duly certified by the Department of Finance (DOF) or other pertinent national government agencies or Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCC) as the case may be, recognized by the Board and relevant CPE to the satisfaction of the Board.

    2) Completion of twenty four (24) CPE credit units


  17. on 06 Dec 2010 at 1:02 pm Irlyn Janette L. Bernardo

    Hi! May I inquire what would be the requirements for me to comply with the RESA law. I passed the real estate broker’s exam held by DTi last 2002 but was only active for 2 years. Now, Im the LAOO in the municipal Assessor’s office with permanent appointment but I’m just 2 1/2 years of service.

    Please help.

    [From the Admin] If you got your license with the DTI last 2002 but did have a renewed real estate brokers’ license as of July 30, 2009 then you can still become registered with the PRC without having to take another examination, by earning 24 CPE credit units.

    Please see


  18. on 06 Dec 2010 at 12:36 pm Irlyn Janette L. Bernardo

    Hi!I’m A licensed broker but was only active for 2 years. I passed the exam last 2002 but right now I’m the LAOO in Isabela and I hold permanent position but I I’m only in my 2 1/2 years of service. I’m just confused because according to my boss,municipal assessor, I need to take 120 training hours, take the exam and earn CEP units. Since I’m connected with the LGU we are covered by the BLGF/Department of Finance.

    I have read Sec. 20 of RESA but I guess the only requirement for me is to take the exam because I lack the years of service. Did I have a good interpretation of the Sec. 20 of the RESA law?If I need to take the exam, may I know when is the appraiser’s exam and may I know schedule of review.

    Please help.

    [From the Admin] Since you were a licensed real estate broker, but did not renew your license prior to July 30, 2009 then you need to earn 24 CPE credit units if you wish to be registered with the PRC without having to take an examination.

    For reference, please see:


  19. on 02 Nov 2010 at 10:24 am Angelika

    Please give updates regarding the required no. of CPE units and trainings for appraisers.

    [From the Admin] Hi! As soon as we get info regarding real estate APPRAISERS, we will publish it online. Thanks!
  20. on 28 Oct 2010 at 3:03 pm Angelika

    A blessed day! May i inquire if Tax mappers and LAOOs can apply for license without examination.

    [From the Admin] Hello! You’ll find the qualifications for those who would like to get a license without examination over at:


  21. on 28 Oct 2010 at 2:57 pm Vagat

    I am a LAOO IV for 10 years. I approve tax declarations per Office Order given. Can I apply for a license without examination?

    [From the Admin] Hi! Do any of the following apply to you?

    7. Original Civil Service Commission Certification of Rating on Real Property Assessing Officers Examination (RPAO passers only). For Gov’t Assesor/ Appraiser

    8. Duly Notarized Certification of Appointment Papers and Service Records by the Department of Finance (DOF) or other Government Agencies stating their years of experience on real property appraisal / assessment and have completed at least One Hundred twenty (120) hours of accredited training on real property appraisal and 24 CPE credit units. (Government Appraisers / Assessors Only)


  22. on 13 Oct 2010 at 5:54 pm Jen

    hi, I’m from Davao City. I wonder how to earned the required CPE units? I am just a neophyte in the real estate industry but is in the practice already for almost a year, i wanted to take the exam.. could you help me how? thanks

    [From the Admin] Since you are aiming to take the real estate brokers’ licensure exam, what you need to attend is a Comprehensive Real Estate Seminar and Review (CRESAR), not a CPE Seminar.

  23. on 10 Oct 2010 at 8:49 am king

    I would like to inquire if you have an online review for appraisers.If yes, please inform me on my e-mail address and the corresponding fee. thank you.

    [From the Admin] We don’t have plans to offer an online review for appraisers at the moment. But as soon as preparatory work begins, we will announce it here in this website. Thanks!

  24. on 27 Aug 2010 at 11:30 am Hussein

    Hi, I’m a license REB focus on selling developer’s property. I am not affiliated in any brokers organization since June 2009 which lately I realize is must and required.I thought I could work own my own(freelance).

    Can you lead me to a decision, a better organization which I must apply for a membership ( such as PAREB or REBAP?, their advantages)? Do you think I should better wait January 2011 ,in order for me not to renew yearly membership of the said organization?

    I didn’t get my DTI Prof License ID since then,never attend CPE seminar. But now I find my self to comply the requirements of PRC (license w/o exam).

    [From the Admin] Both organizations are good. It would help if you check out their websites, and also network with brokers from both organizations, because that will help you choose whether you prefer PAREB, REBAP, or any other real estate-related organization.

    You don’t have to wait until January 2011, especially if you’re able to work with people from both organizations. Trust your gut. 🙂

  25. on 19 Aug 2010 at 10:42 pm ARLENE

    those valid non expired license, still required 15units?


    [From the Admin] Yes, 15 units based on Section 20 of the RESA Law IRR:

    SEC. 20. Registration Without Examination. – Upon application and payment of the required fees, the following shall be registered, and shall be issued by the Board and the Commission a certificate of registration and a professional identification card without taking the prescribed examination:
    (a) Those who, on the date of the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646 or as of 31 July 2009, are already licensed as real estate brokers, real estate appraisers or real estate consultants by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) by virtue of Ministry Order No. 39, as amended; Provided, That they are in active practice as real estate brokers, real estate appraisers and real estate consultants, and have undertaken relevant Continuing Professional Education (CPE) or Continuing Education Program (CEP) to the satisfaction of the Board; Provided, further, That the following practitioners shall be allowed to register:
    1. Any holder of a valid DTI license who has earned fifteen (15) Continuing Education Program (CEP) or CPE credit units;
    2. Those who failed to renew their DTI License prior to 30 July 2009 but who have earned twenty-four (24) CEP credit units from accredited service providers as per M.O. 39 or CPE credit units from CPE Council Accredited Provider from 2007 to July 30, 2011;
    3. Those who had passed the 2009 & 2008 licensure examinations given by the DTI but who had failed to obtain their license upon the effectivity of the R.A. No. 9646 and who have earned fifteen (15) CEP or CPE credit units;
    4. Those who had passed the 2007 licensure examinations given by the DTI but who had failed to obtain their license upon the effectivity of the R.A. No. 9646 and who have earned eighteen (18) CEP or CPE credit units;
    5. Those who had passed the DTI licensure examinations in 2006 and prior years but who had failed to obtain their license upon the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646 and who have earned one hundred twenty (120) CEP or CPE credit units;
    Provided finally, That real estate practitioners falling under the above-described categories who fail to comply with the necessary CPE requirements within two (2) years after the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646, on or before 30 July 2011, shall be required to take the Board licensure examination for real estate service practitioners.
    (b) Assessors and appraisers who, on the date of the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646 or as of 30 July 2009, hold permanent appointments and are performing actual appraisal and assessment functions for the last five (5) years, have passed the Real Property Assessing Officer (RPAO) examination conducted and administered by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) in coordination with the Department of Finance (DOF), and have undertaken relevant CPE to the satisfaction of the Board; and
    (c) Assessors and appraisers who, on the date of the effectivity of R.A. No. 9646 or as of 30 July 2009, hold permanent appointments and have at least ten (10) years actual experience in real property appraisal or assessment and have completed at least one hundred twenty (120) hours of accredited training on real property appraisal conducted by national or international appraisal organizations or institutions/entities duly certified by the Department of Finance (DOF) or other pertinent national government agencies or Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCC) as the case may be, recognized by the Board and relevant CPE to the satisfaction of the Board.
    Those falling under categories (b) and (c) shall register with the Board after they shall have complied with the requirements for registration as real estate appraisers, and have completed twenty four (24) CPE credit units. Provided, That those seeking to be licensed to a new credential level shall be required to take the pertinent Board licensure examination for real estate practitioners.

    Those so exempt under the aforementioned categories shall file their application within two (2) years from the effectivity of Republic Act No. 9646 or until 30 July 2011, Provided, That the renewal of the professional identification card is subject to the provisions of Section 17, Art. III of R.A. No. 9646.

    An applicant for registration without examination must submit the following documents:
    1. Original and photocopy of Certificate of Live Birth / Birth Certificate (NSO), or valid Philippine passport, or any other proof of citizenship;
    2. Original and photocopy of Certificate of Registration (COR) and / or Professional Identification Card (PIC) or DTI Licenses;
    3. DTI Certification of Rating (for those who passed the examinations but failed to obtain their license),
    4. Original and photocopy of NBI Clearance,
    5. Duly notarized CEP/CPE Certification,
    6. Civil Service Commission Certification, DOF, or any other national government agencies, GOCC Certification (assessors or government appraisers), or any certification of accredited seminar/training provider,
    7. Appointment papers and service records to prove appraisal or assessment experience (for assessors or government appraisers),
    8. Original and photocopy of Marriage Certificate / Contract of Marriage (NSO) (if applicable),
    9. Four (4) passport size colored photos with complete nametag in white background, original and photocopy of community tax certificate (CTC), and surety bond for Real estate brokers and private real estate appraisers.

  26. on 19 Aug 2010 at 4:32 pm JIM

    Hi, Im a Filipino citizen by birth and my BS degree in Business Administration has 156 units in it and was conferred in MISSOURI, USA. – INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY. Question is, as a foreign Graduate school (Filipino citizen) can I take the licensure exam for real estate broker?

    [From the Admin] If you can show documentary evidence that the CHED duly recognizes your university, then your educational attainment will be in compliance with the provisions of Section 14 of the RESA Law IRR.

  27. on 17 Aug 2010 at 2:34 pm Mira

    Hi, do I really need 120 CPE units if I passed the 2003 RE Exam? Would it be more practical to just re-take the exam and just attend a review again? Is this possible? Thanks!

    [From the Admin] Based on the RESA Law IRR, people who wish to take the real estate brokers’ exam will have to get 120 units of real estate seminar and review training.

  28. on 16 Aug 2010 at 4:44 pm izzy

    I would like to attend a seminar to complete my 18units required CEP. Is there any seminar being hosted here? When? I’m from Davao City.

    [From the Admin] We haven’t come across any announcements yet regarding CPE/CEP offerings in Davao, but as soon as we get hold of those, we’ll publish it right away.

  29. on 12 Aug 2010 at 9:04 pm Jim Carl

    I passed the 2006 reb exam but failed to obtain licenses. What is my status regarding this?

    [From the Admin] According to Section 20 (a) 5 of the RESA Law IRR, you will need to earn one hundred twenty (120) CEP or CPE credit units on or before 30 July 2011 if you wish to register with the PRC without having to take a Board licensure examination for real estate practitioners.

  30. on 12 Aug 2010 at 2:19 pm thess

    i would like to attend a seminar and review for me to be equip for the brokers exam?where and when and also how much. im from cebu. is there any review center here?

    [From the Admin] As soon as we get the official announcement from various accredited review service providers, we will post that info here. Alternatively, you may get in touch with the PAREB-CEBU Realtors Board (CONTACT 2323940 / 09283732488 / 5160070) Thanks!

  31. on 12 Aug 2010 at 2:00 am Engr.LMS

    I am confused of the approved IRR, because in Sec. 20 letter c the requirements for the no. of hour trainings is only 120 hours found in RESA 9646 prior to the IRR approved………..Now , aside from that 120 hrs’ there’s an additional requirements with 24 CPE credit units to be registered without taking the examination.
    My question is how will i earned that 24 CPE? is our CPE units earned in PICE Phil. Institute of Civil Engineers is accredited considering that we estimates buildings….structures…….and we earned CPE points in PRC???? how does it treated…?I am also a scholar now under LAMP2 Introducing on Land Valuation Open University @ UP LOs Baños on line since May 29, 2010 to Oct. 1, 2010 with equivalent of 48 hours……

    I am 20 years in service in Provincial Assessor’s Office, DDN & holding a position of Division Head………..and planning to Register without taking examination if I am qualified with my trainings and CPE earned merits…….if not, planning to take REB exam any advised so far???? ty, just sharing………….

    [From the Admin] If you qualify under Section 20(c), then you do not need to take the REB exam in order to register with the PRC.

  32. on 11 Aug 2010 at 12:53 pm Rachelle

    Would like to inquire for the related fees when applying for broker’s license c/o PRC under the RESA Law. I am graduate of a four-year course and wish to take the Board Exam. Do PRC has schedule for the exmanination for this year?

    [From the Admin] We’ve been hearing rumors of a December exam for real estate brokers, but we haven’t seen any format announcement from the PRC yet.

  33. on 11 Aug 2010 at 10:13 am arman

    Since I am not a college graduate… (BSelectrical engrng 4th yr undergraduate) but a real estate agent of a big developer here in the Philippines. Do I need a CPE to be real estates sales person?
    How many credit units do I need? Thanks!

    [From the Admin] No, you don’t need this. CPE units are needed by people who have already passed the real estate brokers’ exam.

  34. on 09 Aug 2010 at 5:08 pm ginoma

    Gd am admin, please give info if Cesar Santos Academy will conduct a CRESAR in the province. It would be less expensive for the reviewees if they will. Thanks a lot.

    [From the Admin] We will post the skeds and venues of their CRESARs as soon as we get hold of their updated offerings. Thanks!

  35. on 05 Aug 2010 at 2:48 pm Carl Obregon

    when is the next brokers exam and review? how much is the review?



    [From the Admin] We have yet to hear from the accredited review service providers. As soon as we get the info, we will post it online.

  36. on 05 Aug 2010 at 9:24 am Becky Cuevas

    Hi Ms Grace,

    im a newbie real estate agent, and i want to be a licensed real estate broker, do i have to go back to school for this?



    [From the Admin] Just to clarify, Ms Grace does not administer this site. Now to answer your question, if you have earned a college degree, you don’t need to go back to school… for now. But once the BS Real Estate Service course is available, that will be a requirement for those who wish to take the real estate brokers’ licensure exam.

  37. on 04 Aug 2010 at 10:48 pm Jas

    I would like to venture into being a real estate broker but have no idea where to start.. I tried reading over the internet but I’m now more confused. Was hoping you can help me out on this. How and where do I start? Thanks very much

    [From the Admin] Here’s a suggestion:

    1. Meet real estate sales agents and their Business Managers.

    2. Work with them and experience what it is like to meet people, organize site trippings, invite people to Clients’ Night, negotiate and close a sale, man booths in malls or at the project site, distribute flyers, complete documentation requirements, attend training seminars courtesy of the real estate developer, negotiate with relatives/friends of real estate buyers, etc.

    3. Attend the regular, live, face-to-face real estate brokers’ exam review seminars conducted by accredited review service providers.

    4. Optional: Join the online review for the real estate brokers’ exam.

    5. Take and pass the real estate brokers’ licensure exam.

    6. Join an accredited and recognized organization of real estate brokers in the Philippines. Please read RA 9646 (RESA Law) concerning this.

    7. Set-up your real estate brokerage company.

    8. Get additional training (i.e., what do you do after you pass the REB exam?)

  38. on 02 Aug 2010 at 3:02 pm joey

    tnx for your quick response!! ^_^ more power

  39. on 02 Aug 2010 at 1:39 pm joey

    Im new to real state and I dont have anything and im waiting for the prc examination for real state broker. Is it nessary to me to attend the RESA and CPE seminar??

    [From the Admin] No, you do not need to earn CPE credit units for now, because you haven’t passed the real estate brokers’ exam yet.

  40. on 30 Jul 2010 at 10:41 pm noel b. paqueo

    hi ms grace,

    may i get your cp no or landline so i could inquire re the said cpe sem details.. i want to come to mla with all requirements so i wont miss the seminar. regards and thanks, noel

    [From the Admin] We are forwarding your inquiry to the Cesar Santos Real Estate Academy. Thanks!

  41. on 22 Jul 2010 at 9:23 am ting t. sanvicente

    Ms. Grace, is the said CPE accredited with PRC? My license expires on December 2011. do i need to attend the said CPE on Aug.6-8/10 already? I think i need only 15 units, will i pay the whole amount of 3500php? Thank you, got many questions. U

    [From the Admin] Hi! Please get in touch directly with Ms. Grace for the other details, because she doesn’t drop by this webpage often.

    Based on Section 20 of the consultative first draft of the RESA Law IRR, you only need 15 CPE units.

    UPDATE: The P3,500 price is for 24 units. So if you will need only 15 units, you will pay less. The pricing details will be announced in the future.

    We don’t know when the group of Cesar Santos will conduct another CPE, because they will conduct CRESAR (Comprehensive Real Estate Seminar and Review) sessions starting September.

    Our guess is the next CPE (that will be conducted by CES Real Estate Academy) after this August 2010 offering will be in January 2011 at the earliest.

    The PRC’s deadline for earning CPE credit units (in order to get registered without having to take an examination) is July 2011.

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